Homesick? Read This.

Traveling can be the ride of your life; exhilarating and unbelievable every single day. Sometimes though, there can be a day or days when you stop dead in your tracks. You start to think about home and your family and your pet(s) and your bed. You even contemplate going home. Just curious, you look up flights and think of excuses to tell your new friends why you’re going back. Emotions come flooding in, and going home seems like a viable option.

Don’t. Going home solves nothing.

Every traveler gets homesick.  EVERY. ONE. Sometimes it may last a minute and other times it lasts days. Below are some ways to relieve your sad panda thoughts and get yourself back on the right track.



Talk to other travelers

Yes! Get out of your bed and talk to some fellow travelers. Guaranteed they’ve dealt with the same issue and they might even have some great pointers to share. Don’t want to talk about it? That’s fine. Find something else to converse about. Swap travel stories, movie or book recommendations, or ask for tips on what to do in the area you’re in. Travelers love to talk and share experiences. Who knows, you might just meet your next travel partner this way.

Call/Skype/E-mail Home

Ok, this might sound crazy to contact the one place you are missing, but it works. Skyping is a great way to see the people you miss and it helps knowing they are only one call away. Another reason this is a great option is that it shows you that home has not changed AT ALL since you left. You want to go back to that life? Probably not. That’s why you left in the first place! Be grateful that you are able to stay in contact through a variety of technological means, and continue on with your adventure.

Stay Busy

Get out and about! A busy mind and body makes no time for feeling sorry for yourself. Go on a run, a hike, or if you’re at the beach take a swim. Exercise is famously known to get your endorphins pumping, making you happier and more positive without even knowing it! Plus seeking out a new adventure may evoke a great passion of yours that you never knew. If a new adventure is not in your mindset, go explore the city or the area you’re in.  You’re bound to stumble upon something that intrigues you.

When in doubt, write it out

Writing has magical powers. It can take those bad feelings in your head and instead place them on paper. Getting bad feelings and thoughts out of your head and onto any type of vessel is important. If you continue to think negatively, those thoughts only fester making everyday worse and worse. Break the habit and write down why you’re feeling blue, why you want to go home, or what you miss the most. A clear mind makes better decisions and you will soon realize the root to all of your concerns.

Eat at a familiar spot

Eating at a chain restaurant like McDonald’s, Subway, or Starbucks sometimes heals all wounds. Yes they are chains, and relatively unhealthy, but they can be a home away from home. It’s the closest you can get to being home without leaving. Don’t want to eat it?  That’s okay, there are other alternatives. Even drinking a Coke can put you back home with the first sip. The point is to find something that reminds you of home to curb your “craving.”

The ultimate goal is to simply accept your feelings about home, and acknowledge that they will pass.  We all go through a little bump in the road. You wouldn’t be human if you didn’t. Just remember that you are not alone and there are plenty of people out there who can help you get over your homesickness. You left home to see new places filled with new people and new cultures. It would be a shame for you to give it all up. So go forth, explorer and enjoy the ride. When you are all done traveling and you finally make your way home, you will be very happy with yourself that you stuck it out. Your stories, photos and new friends will be the proof.